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Terms of sales

The general and specific conditions online prevail over the general and specific conditions printed.

Definition of terms

The term « G7-servers » refers to the legal structure of G7-servers, declared to the Directory of Companies and Establishments (SIRENE) whose SIREN number is 880 635 644.

An invoice is a document issued by G7-servers and intended for the customer indicating that the service has been performed and paid for. This document has legal value.

The due date or end of service corresponds to that indicated on the order. This is the date the service stops.

The date of deletion corresponds to the date of final deletion of the customer's data.

The term « site » or « website » in the text below refers to the address https://www.g7-servers.com/.


This document is concluded between the client and G7-servers.

This document defines G7-servers' commitments to the client and vice versa.

The customer acknowledges having read the general conditions of sale and acknowledges having received all the information and advice necessary to use the services of G7-servers.

This document applies to all customers including the customer with a free service.

The G7-servers hosting platform is accessible to the general public via the Internet by means of stations connected to the Internet.

G7-servers provides the computing power, equipment and software necessary for the proper functioning of the services.

To be able to order G7-servers services, the customer must have a valid customer account. The customer creates his customer account online on the G7-servers website. The customer provides all the required information (including email, identity, contact details, or any other information requested during the order process) and agrees that all information thus provided is accurate and updated throughout the duration. execution of services. When the customer account is created and used by a person acting in the name and on behalf of the customer, he declares and guarantees to G7-servers that he has the power and capacity necessary to represent and bind the customer under the conditions provided for in the contract.

Before the activation of the customer account as well as at any time during the contract, G7-servers reserves the right to check the accuracy of the information communicated by or on behalf of the customer, and to ask the customer for supporting documents. G7-servers reserves the right not to activate or deactivate the customer's account in the event of incomplete, erroneous or fraudulent information.

G7-servers undertakes to provide all of its customers, without any distinction, with all the care necessary for quality service. The limit for ensuring quality service ends with the availability of people working to the structure.

In case of unavailability of the service, G7-servers can in no way be held responsible. However, everything will be done to restore continuity of service as soon as possible.

In the event of a technical intervention requiring an interruption of service, G7-servers must notify its customers by one of its means of communication within a reasonable time.

Customer's personal data

The customer undertakes to give his contact details and exact information to G7-servers. Otherwise, the customer will lose the benefit of his services which will be suspended.

G7-servers reserves the right at any time to check the accuracy of the information communicated by or for the client and thus request supporting documents. G7-servers reserves the right not to activate the customer's account or to deactivate it in the event of incomplete, incorrect or fraudulent information.


The customer is responsible for the management and confidentiality of his means of authentication, necessary to connect and use the subscribed services. The client ensures in particular that users are aware of and comply with the rules of the art allowing the confidentiality of their means of authentication to be preserved. The customer alone bears the consequences that may result from the loss, disclosure, or fraudulent or illicit use of the means of authentication provided, the responsibility of G7-servers can in no way be engaged in this respect. The client undertakes to inform G7-servers without delay of any possible loss or disclosure of the means of authentication, and to proceed immediately to the renewal of said means of authentication.

Respect for laws

The customer undertakes to comply with all the legal and regulatory requirements in force, and in particular those relating to data processing, files, freedoms and intellectual property, as well as the rights of third parties.

The customer declares to fully accept all legal obligations arising from the ownership of its services, G7-servers can not be sought or worried in this regard for any reason whatsoever, in particular in the event of violation of laws or regulations applicable to the customer's services . The non-compliance by the client with the points referred to above and with the points referred to in the specific conditions, and in particular any activity liable to give rise to civil and / or criminal liability will result in the right for G7-servers to delete and / or to interrupt without delay and without prior notice the services of the client and to terminate immediately without prejudice to the right to all damages which the client could claim.

Use of services

G7-servers cannot be held responsible for failures of Internet access providers or any other operators of third-party data transport networks (in particular lack of reliability of connection lines, fluctuation in bandwidth, interruptions, etc.) but also of the various suppliers that G7-servers may call upon in the context of the provision of its services, including the consequences of such failures, in particular when they lead to unavailability and/or discontinuity of services.

G7-servers undertakes to provide the customer with technical support on a forum or by any other technical means accessible from the website « https://www.g7-servers.com ».

Technical support is intended to provide ad hoc assistance to the client. Otherwise, the service may be invoiced with the customer's approval.

The order of a service is made via the G7-servers website. At the end of the payment, an invoice will be delivered and downloadable on the website by being connected with the account used to place the order.

The prices in force for the various services offered by G7-servers are available on the website at any time. All ordered services are only payable in euros.

The customer is solely responsible for the payment of all of these services.

Any disagreement concerning invoicing must be sent by post to the registered office of G7-servers, as defined in the « Legal notices » present on the site, or by email to the address « contact [at] g7-servers.com » within ten (10) days from the date of issue of the invoice.

The different payment methods are available on the website at any time.

The customer is free to choose his payment method adapted to the service ordered. The subscribed service begins upon receipt of payment, subject to a possible verification of the elements supplied by G7-servers. This verification is limited to 15 days. After this period, in the absence of a response from G7-servers, the payment will be considered valid. G7-servers will then inform the customer of the implementation of its service.

It should be noted that the payment systems, such as Paypal, used by G7-servers charge a fee for each transaction. The customer can bear the costs and is then informed of this at the time of payment. The amount of the fees is clearly indicated as well as the total amount of the transaction.

Bank checks

Payment by check is accepted if and only if it comes from a banking establishment located on French territory.

Payment by check can only be made after discussion with G7-servers. After receiving the order in writing from the Customer, G7-servers will confirm or not the order. Once the order has been validated, the Customer may send the cashier's check to the head office of G7-servers or to the address indicated during the validation of the order.

In the event of payment by check, the service will be set up within two days of receipt of payment (not the check).

The customer must imperatively put on the back of the check all necessary information (login login used for connection, name and surname as present on the Client's account, ...) to G7-servers to go back to the discussion that led to the sending of the bank check by the customer. Otherwise, the payment may be rejected.

It is up to the customer to pay attention to the time limit imposed by the check payment solution (La Poste's vagaries in particular).

SEPA transfer

Payment by SEPA transfer is accepted.

Payment by SEPA transfer can only be made after discussion with G7-servers. After receiving the order in writing from the Customer, G7-servers will confirm or not the order. Once the order has been confirmed, the Customer will then receive the RIB necessary to make the transfer.

In the event of payment by SEPA transfer, the service will be set up within two days of receipt of payment.

The customer must imperatively indicate, during the SEPA transfer, any necessary information (login login used for the connection, surname and first name as present on the Client's account, ...) to G7-servers to go back to the discussion that allowed SEPA transfer by the customer. Otherwise, the payment may be rejected.


Once the invoice has been issued, no refund will be possible for any reason whatsoever, the services being considered to have been carried out.


The duration of the service is that provided for in the order.

The service ends on the expiration date as indicated on the service. However, in order not to penalize customers, the service is deactivated for a period of one month. During this period, the customer can always, if they wish, choose to renew their service or recover their data. It will then return to its service in the same state as when it was deactivated. In the event of non-renewal, all data will be deleted.


A reminder will be sent to the customer by email that it is necessary to renew their service (s). It is the customer's responsibility to keep their email address up to date.

A non-renewed service will be deleted after its date of deletion.

The contract is automatically terminated on the expiry date. It can be renewed from the site upon payment by the customer of the price corresponding to the service.

The customer is free to terminate the contract before the expiry date. He will not be able to claim any refund from G7-servers for the sums already paid.

G7-servers reserves the right to suspend a service (partially or completely) in the event that the latter constitutes a danger to the maintenance of the security or stability of the hosting platform. As far as possible, the customer will be informed. If necessary, G7-servers reserves the right to interrupt the service to carry out a technical intervention in order to improve its operation or for any maintenance operation.

In addition, in the event of a finding of an infringement of the legal regulations in force on French territory, the service may be suspended or terminated without delay and without prior notice.

In addition, the service can be restricted, limited or automatically suspended by G7-servers:

  • If it appears that the customer uses the services provided to him for an activity not in accordance with these general conditions of sale.
  • If it appears that the customer is using the services provided to him for an activity that does not comply with the invoice for his service.
  • If G7-servers receives a notice from a competent, administrative or judicial authority.

The client acknowledges that the fluctuations in bandwidth and the vagaries of the various access providers present between the client and the G7-servers platform are elements that can cause discontinuity in the services of G7-servers but are external to the latter.

The fact that G7-servers does not take advantage at one time of one of these general conditions of sale and / or tolerates a failure by the other party to one of the obligations referred to in these general conditions of sale does not may be interpreted as a waiver by G7-servers to avail itself of one of the said conditions at a later date.

The client is informed that since May 25, 2018, the date of application of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), it is no longer necessary to declare the database to the French CNIL.

The customer has a right of access, modification, withdrawal or deletion of his collected data, by connecting to the site and in his personal space.

In no case will this information be or will be exchanged, transferred, assigned or resold to third parties.

In accordance with Articles L. 121-21 et seq. Of the Consumer Code, the Customer (when he is recognized as a consumer within the meaning of the provisions of the Consumer Code) has a right of withdrawal. He can exercise his right of withdrawal, without having to justify reasons or pay penalties except, where applicable, return costs, within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the goods or from the subscription of the contract for the Services, by post to the headquarters of G7-servers or by a message through the support system.

In accordance with the Consumer Code taken in its article L121-21-8, 1 °, the Customer cannot exercise his right of withdrawal for Services fully executed before the end of the withdrawal period and whose execution started after prior agreement express of the consumer and express waiver of his right of withdrawal. The Customer therefore formally acknowledges and accepts that, in all cases where he expressly accepts the execution of the Service or uses the Service, and expressly renounces to exercise his right of withdrawal before the expiration of the withdrawal period, he cannot validly invoke this right.

The customer, considered as a consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Code, acknowledges having expressly agreed to the execution of the service ordered from G7-servers upon receipt by the latter of its order and its regulations. The customer is therefore expressly informed that he cannot, in application of these provisions, and taking into account the agreement made regarding the execution of the services of G7-servers, exercise his right of withdrawal on the services offered by G7- servers. This right can no longer be exercised by the customer when renewing the service ordered.

By G7-servers

The parties agree that G7-servers may, as of right, modify its service without any other formality than to inform the customer thereof by an online warning and / or to carry its modifications in the general conditions online. Any modification or introduction of new subscription options will be the subject of online information on the G7-servers website or the sending of an email to the client. In this case, the customer may, in derogation from article 10, terminate the contract within thirty days of the entry into force of these modifications.

By the customer

The customer service is billed for a given volume according to the terms defined on the invoice for said service. The customer can freely personalize the service through internal tools made available to him. The customer then has the possibility of modifying the volume of his service downwards for a duration which cannot exceed the duration of the service subscribed with G7-servers. In any case, the customer may not request a refund for the difference in volume defined on the invoice for said service and the volume that the customer has voluntarily reduced.

The customer has the possibility of revising upwards the volume of his service but will then require new regulations from G7-servers.

It is impossible to revise the billing for the volume of a service downward.


The nullity of one of the clauses of the service contract signed with G7-servers, in application in particular of a law, a regulation or following a decision of a competent court will not result in the nullity of the other clauses of the service contract which will keep their full effect and scope. In this case, the parties shall, as far as possible, replace the canceled provision with a valid provision corresponding to the spirit and the object of the Contractual Conditions.


All notifications, communications and formal notices provided for in the general conditions will be deemed to have been validly issued if they are sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the address of the head office for G7-servers and for the customer: to the postal and / or e-mail address he provided to G7-servers.


G7-servers may during promotions, events, general meetings, publications, take advantage of the services provided to the customer as well as on all its documents.

Intellectual property

All the elements (software, infrastructures, documentation, etc.) made available to the client by G7-servers within the framework of the subscription of the services and the execution of the contract remain the exclusive property of G7-servers or third parties. having granted the right to use them. G7-servers grants the customer the right to use the said elements made available to him, on a non-exclusive basis, only in the context of the use of his services and within the limits of the applicable contractual provisions and for the duration of this contract. . Subject to the aforementioned elements, made available to the customer by G7-servers in the context of the use of its services, the customer remains solely responsible for acquiring all the authorizations and rights to use the elements and content (such as data, software, applications, systems, websites, etc.) that it uses and that it exploits within the framework of these services.

The present contract is regulated by French law. It is thus for the substantive rules as for the rules of form, with the exclusion, on the one hand, of the rules of conflict envisaged by the French law, and on the other hand, of the provisions of the French law which would be contrary to this Agreement.

© G7-servers 2024, All rights reserved - Legal Notices - Terms of sales and use